Saturday, January 27, 2007

Well, long time no post - again. I keep thinking I'll get better at being current, but alas, not doing a very good job at it. It's been almost a year since last post so I'm sure anyone who WAS following my blog has totally lost interest due to inactivity on my part. Oh well, such is life...

The last year has been pretty eventful. We finished the remodel on the 'new' house, closed on the previous one and moved into our new digs on April 1st. Love it. Nostalgic about the previous house but no regrets at all.

Hubby sold his business in May - was time but still hard to let go.

Summer was fairly uneventful but fun- a trip back to San Pedro (Belize), New York for 4th of July (saw Madonna at Madison Square Garden - wow. 20 mile bike ride down Long Island to Sag Harbor, misc. fun activities), kids coming and going and backyard construction took most of our time and attention.

Fall was busy - went to Greece for three weeks and was incredible. Still working on trip report but suffice to say it was an awesome experience.

Natalie now a jr. at Okla. State, got engaged in Oct. (great guy - currently deployed in Afghanistan - prayers appreciated). Jessica graduated from MTSU (Middle Tennessee University), moved to Dallas with her fiance (also a great guy)and started grad school at the Guildhall (grad program through SMU)

So, I'm sure you can see the pattern here, our life consists mostly of house, kids and travel.

That's it for now - more later...hopefully!

God bless,