Thursday, February 01, 2007

Snowing = Cooking

Snowed yesterday, snowing today. I love it. Great excuse to stay inside, catch up and COOK. I'm sure it's totally a primal thing so I just go with it.

Yesterday made beef burgundy with portabellas over fusilli pasta. Also experimented with a new salad dressing: Cumin pear vinaigrette over romain with pear slices, bleu cheese and sunflower seeds. Turned out great. Need to perfect it though. I put it all in the blender and used pears to replace some of the oil so more heart healthy but need more garlic to boost it a bit. Will post recipe(s) when I figure out exactly what I DID put in. Ahem.

Dale's getting cabin fever, can't blame him - he's the hunter, I'm the gatherer. I'm happy as a clam being 'stuck' inside, he's ready to get out. He's shoveling the sidewalk and drive now even though more snow coming. Oh well, he's happy, so am I. I can see him outside now in overalls and boots (and very red nose), looks cute but COLD.

Trying to work up the motivation to jump on the treadmill - getting closer. Bad thing about snow and cooking is the tendency to add more layers to the 'winter coat'. Yikes. In any stretch of the imagination can't seem to figure if blogging can be remotely considered a cardio activity? Didn't think so...

So what to cook for dinner tonight? Hmmm was thinking a big pot of ham and beans but forgot to put the beans on to soak last night. Dang.


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